Latest publications

Journal publication
Dr. Malina Müller, Hannah Lintener, Vivien Henkel, Andreas Pilz, Kate Halsby, Claudius Malerczyk, Harish Madhava, Jennifer C. Moïsi, Holly Yu, Katharina Schley

Does the Vaccination against Tick-Borne Encephalitis Offer Good Value for Money for Incidence Rates below the WHO Threshold for Endemicity? A Case Study for Germany

Method paper
Adnan Atitallah, Jennifer Branner, Prof. Dennis A. Ostwald, Dr. Rebecca Grün, Dr. Maren Herrlitz, Dr. Eva Levi, Davide Lovera, Dr. Malina Müller, Dr. Platon Peristeris, Lena Steinbeck, Gabriele Filkauskas, Katya Galactionova, Khaled Ismail, Svenn Alexander Kommandantvold, Kopano Mukelabai, Thomas Paling, Kunal Samanta, Charlie Smith, Simone Sutherland, Andrew Walker

The Value of Investing in Innovative Medicines: Socioeconomic Burden and Annual Social Impact of Roche Treatments for HER2+ Breast Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis and Retinal Disease

Mani Juneja, Lukas Mai, Dr. Nora Albu

The Economic Impact of the Global Pharmaceutical Industry


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